Magic & Medicine

Writings rooted in ritual & research


Join the seasonal newsletter to learn herbal, nutrition and lifestyle tips that will empower your health. You'll get recipes, insights and inspiration for holistic wellness practices delivered to your inbox on each of the holidays that mark the  wheel of the year. You'll receive ritual practices to deepen your connection to nature and the energetics of each season as well as functional lifestyle tips for empowered health.  This is also a great way to stay in the loop about workshops and events.

yellow flower in tilt shift lens

Happy Solstice & Full Moon ~ Musical Gift Included

By Ashley Sapir Lathrop / June 20, 2024

  ~ Happy Solstice & Full Moon ~  Dearest Readers, My apologies for yesterday’s emoji explosion. You may find this version more […]

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yellow flower in tilt shift lens

Happy Solstice & (almost) Full Moon ~ Musical Gift Included

By Ashley Sapir Lathrop / June 20, 2024

~ Happy Solstice & (almost) Full Moon ~  Solstice (Midsummer) is revered as the longest and most magical day of the year. […]

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Fun Weekend Events Celebrating Health & Community

By Ashley Sapir Lathrop / June 7, 2024

I’d love to see you at one or both of these weekend events! ❤️ Saturday at the Sunset Healing Collective in New […]

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two women bending while holding hands

Violets, Songs and Sunshine: Beltane Greetings & Playlist

By Ashley Sapir Lathrop / April 30, 2024

Beltane (May 1st) is the quintessential celebration of blossoming, a feeling of potent possibility fills the air, ripe with pollen and pollinators. […]

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yellow petaled flower field

Seeds, Songs & Nettles (playlist included)

By Ashley Sapir Lathrop / April 17, 2024

Bathed in a wash of yellow blossoms, the valley reflects the spring sunshine in the abundance of forsythia and daffodils. Our orchard […]

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nature, bud, spring

Imbolc (mid-winter) News, Energy Bite Recipe & Announcements

By Ashley Sapir Lathrop / February 5, 2024

Imbolc Blessings Imbolc blessings! Halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox Imbolc is a land based holiday celebrating renewal. This […]

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Join the Seasonal Newsletter

Join the seasonal newsletter to get recipes, insights and inspiration delivered to your inbox on each of the holidays that mark the  wheel of the year. You'll receive ritual practices to deepen your connection to nature and the energetics of each season as well as functional lifestyle tips for empowered health.