Solstice & Gratitude

Blessings to you on this first day of winter! Yesterday we celebrated Winter Solstice, and had the longest night of the year. I hope you slumbered well, deep in peaceful dreams. Although we are just embarking on winter it is comforting to know that we are moving towards longer days and more light.

Winter can be hard, the holidays can be hard as well. It is at this time that I try to remember to practice gratitude. Many studies show that people who practice gratitude live longer, happier lives. The thing about practicing gratitude is that it is magnetic. Once you start looking for things to appreciate and be thankful for your mind can become quite addicted to the practice. Before long new neural pathways are formed and you have a whole highway of positive roads being built in your brain.

Here are some suggestions for bringing more gratitude into your life:

Keep a gratitude journal.

Before you get up in the morning look at your hands and think of one thing you are grateful for on each finger (one of my clients taught me that one).

Write someone in your life a letter of gratitude and give it to them as a gift.

Say a gratitude blessing before each meal.



I’m grateful for each day that I get to walk on the path of the plants. I’m grateful for each of you for your interest and support. I’m grateful that the days will be getting longer now. I’m grateful for the turning of the year and a chance for new and deepening connections. See it really is addictive! Oh and one more thing, I’m very grateful for my new office and workshop space here at the farm. I already have a workshop planned here in January and will plan on offering many more on a variety of topics You can read below about “Visioning 2018” on January 27th. It is a small gathering, to do some deeper work on visioning the year ahead. I’ll send a newsletter out in January with a list of classes happening here at Dreamkeeper Farm and other fun places in the area.

Every January I set aside time for dreaming and clarifying my intentions for the year to come. I brew herbal tea, meditate and create a visual representation with art materials. This year I’ve decided to create a workshop in my new space for 10 of you who would like to “vision” together. Visioning 2018

Hope to see you soon!






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Ashley Sapir Lathrop

I am an herbalist, health coach, educator and writer.

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