Cultivating Wellness Naturally

With Botanically Infused Functional Medicine


So happy you are here!

Dreamkeeper Botanicals blends traditional healing practices with functional medicine to embrace dynamic options for whole health. Investigating and addressing root causes allows us to promote balance and embrace prevention.

Customized wellness packages combine education about botanicals, nutrition and healthy lifestyle practices with the coaching you need to build powerful new habits and rituals.

We believe that you are the expert of your own body and want you to believe it too! Wherever you are in your relationship with your health we will support you to reach your goals.

Wander the pages of this site for more info and use the link below to get started today!

Wellness Consultation

Whether you’re looking to improve your health, boost your energy, or enhance your quality of life, our Wellness Consultation can provide the answers you seek.

Customized Workshop

We'll keep you posted about upcoming workshops through the seasonal newsletter. Inquire about a workshop  for your university, business or social event.

Seasonal Coaching Packages

Discover your path to wellness by co-creating a map to meet your health goals. A coaching partnership gives you the accountability, guidance, knowledge and support you crave.

The Roots of Dreamkeeper Herbalism

Ashley outside

Dreamkeeper Botanicals was founded in 2008, by Ashley Sapir Lathrop. Ashley has been a practicing Herbalist since the early 2000’s, inspired by her desire to find answers beyond the "pill for an ill" paradigm. She had the great honor of learning from an Indigenous midwife in Nicaragua in 1999. Witnessing the power of nutrition, herbs and human connection led her to Herbalism and to building a life deeply rooted in nature and seasonal health care practices.

Do you feel afraid to go to the Doctor when you are not feeling well? Have you been told that nothing is wrong or been given a prescription when you know that there are still questions left unanswered? If so, you are not alone.

You carry the innate knowledge of how to be wildly healthy. Dreamkeeper Botanicals is here to help you rekindle or deepen your connection with that inner wisdom, build relationships with plants, and come home to yourself. Working with functional medicine, earth wisdom, nutrition, botanicals, ritual and healthy lifestyle practices help us to synergistically address the root causes of health imbalances. Are you craving an ally to sort out and organize the next steps on your health and wellness journey?  Explore our services to find the most fitting way to work together.


As a Board Certified Functional Health Coach and Clinical Herbalist Ashley supports people to find ways to integrate holistic methodologies into their wellness plan. Integrative health brings conventional and complementary practices together in a coordinated way. The coordinating is where the magic happens.

Ashley and her team will support you in  navigating the twists and turns of your healthcare journey so that you never feel confused or alone. You are unique and deserve to have a wellness plan that supports your deepest convictions, intuition and beliefs about what it means to live a full and vibrant life.

Loving Hands
Color Spectrum Eating

“I can’t thank Ashley enough for giving me renewed hope and for helping me to heal when traditional medicine was no longer working. Her continued support has made all the difference on this difficult journey.” ~ Kelly 

Join the Seasonal Newsletter

Join the seasonal newsletter to get recipes, insights and inspiration delivered to your inbox on each of the holidays that mark the  wheel of the year. You'll receive ritual practices to deepen your connection to nature and the energetics of each season as well as functional lifestyle tips for empowered health.